Thursday, April 16, 2009

New journal, giant flyswatter time. The first thing that Zeus realized that no matter the voltage of the swatter, as long as he had 1 amp of current flowing through (30 mA kills) he would be fine. He hopped on his computer and started looking at high voltages and amperages. He decided to buy a Neon Sign Transformer, to give him the high voltage kill amps he'd need. Looking up them, he found out about Jacob's ladders and Tesla coils. This, he decided was a must have, so all flyswatters put on hold, he began gathering the parts necessary for a Jacob's ladder. He acquired a NST, wire, copper, and a bunch of other things to begin his design. He decided to power his with alternative energy, so he attached a huge solar panel to his house, and measured the output voltage of it. It was around 120 Volts, like a normal house, but instead of the AC current he needed, the solar panel gave off a DC current. He decided to go back to building the flyswatter because it would be more fun, and because he hadn't learned about inverters yet. All he did for his flyswatter, was take the design of the small one, enlarge and boost it a little. He borrowed the enlargifier (for lack of a better word) from the people that did the movie "Honey, I blew up the kid", when he realized that it was all Hollywood movie magic and it didn't actually work. Oh the heck with it, he used his own powers (Which he had honestly almost forgotten about) and blew up the flyswatter himself. Then, because of that little attention deficit disorder he had, began building the Jacob's ladder again. He remembered in the bible how they tried to build the tower of Babel to heaven, and decided to build a Jacob's ladder to a planet. He decided on Pluto. The next day, after checking his e-mail, he learned that PLUTO ISN'T A PLANET! He decided right then and there that it was, and Chuck Norris could fix this dilemma. When we return... I will write another journal entry to follow up this one... dun... dun... DUN!

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